Revenue Generation


The initial source of revenue for the MetaNations® team will be the issuance of the Certificate of Land Ownership NFTs. As mentioned in Section 3.1.1, half of the proceeds will go into progressive buybacks of the MENA token and the other half will be used for development and marketing.


The most important source of revenue that the MetaNations® team is expecting will come from the transaction tax included in the MENA contract. Every time MENA tokens are bought or sold, a small percentage is sent to the team wallet, and another share is proportionally redistributed to all holders of the MENA token. When deemed relevant, the team will replace half of the marketing and half of the rewards tax with a BuyBack tax, which can be used at a later point. The Tokenomics are as follows:

12% Buy

Redistribution: 6%

Revenue: 6%

14% Sell

Redistribution: 7%

Revenue: 7%

Last updated